From Philip A. Ramsay's edition, with additions by Chris Morrison.

The ch and gh have generally the guttural sound. The sound of the English diphthong oo is commonly spelled ou. The French u, a sound which often occurs in the Scottish language, is marked oo, or ui, and sometimes (as in gude) u only. The a, in genuine Scottish words, except when forming a diphthong, or followed by an e mute after a single consonant, sounds generally like the broad English a in wall. The Scottish diphthongs ae, always, and ea, very often, sound like the French e masculine. The Scottish dipthong ey, sounds like the Latin ei. With regard to words which have more meanings than one, we have, it general, thought it necessary to give only those meanings in which they are employed by the author.


E’en, the eye: een, the eyes.
E'ening, the evening
Eerie, frighted, dreading
Eident, diligent.
Eild, old age.


Fa,’ fall, lot ; to fall.
Fae, foe.
Fa'en, fallen.
Fallow, fellow.
Farm-toun, farm-house.
Fash, trouble, rare ; to trouble.
Faught, a fight, a struggle ; did fight.
Fauld, a fold ; to fold.
Fause, false.
Feberwar, February.
Fecht, a fight ; to fight.
Feck, many, plenty.
Feckless, weak in body, spirit­less.
Fee, wages, to hire.
Fen’, fend, the shift one makes, to shift, to support, to fare in general.
Fettle, to join closely, to re­pair.
Fient, fiend, (a petty oath.)
Flute, preterite flyte, to scold.
Fleech, to wheedle.
Fleuk, a flounder.
Flisk, to skip, to caper.
Flunkie, a livery servant.
Forby, besides.
Forfairn, distressed, worn out, jaded.
Fou, fu', full, drunk.
Fouth, plenty, enough.
Frae, from.
Furthy, frank, affable.
Fyke, trifling cares ; to be in fuss about trifles.


Gab, the mouth.
Gae, to go.
Gait, a way, a street.
Gang, to go, to walk.
Ganger, a goer.
Gar, to force, to compel.
Gaun, going.
Gaucy, plump, jolly.
Gawkie, half-witted, foolish.
Gear, riches, goods of any kind.
Geck, to deride.
Gettlin, a child.
Ghaist, a ghost.
Gin, if, against..
Girn, to grin.
Glamour, magical deception of
sight. Hence to cast glamour o'er ane, to cause deception
of sight.
Gloamin, the twilight.
Gowan, the generic name for the daisy; singly, it denotes the mountain daisy: gowany, abounding with daisies.
Gowd, gold ; gowden, golden.
Gowk, the cuckoo; also, a fool.
Graff, a grave.
Grune, a groan ; to groan.
Grannie, grandmother.
Greet, to weep.
Grew, a greyhound.
, a grasp; to grasp.
Groats, milled oats.
Grun, ground.
Gude, guid, good ; also used
for the name of God.
Gudeman, a husband.
Gudewife, a wife.
Gunk, to gi'e the, to give the slip, to jilt.
Gutcher, (corruption of gude­sire) a grandfather.


Ha’, hall.
Haffet, the temple, the side of the head.
Haggis, a kind of pudding.boiled in the stomach of a cow or sheep
Haill, whole.
Hain, to spare, to save.
Hame, home.
Hash, a sloven, a foolish fellow.
Hawdin, holding, goods.
Heather, heath
Hecht, offered,
Hee, heigh, hie, high.
Hidlin, secret.
Hilch, to hobble, to halt.
Hip, to hop.
Holm, the level low ground on the banks of a river.
Howdie, a midwife.
Howe, a hollow.
Howk, to dig.
Howlet, an owl.
Hubble, habble, hobble, a hubbub, a riot, a state of perplexity.
Hun'er, a hundred.
Hurcheon, a hedgehog.
Hurkle, to squat, to draw the body together.