From Philip A. Ramsay's edition, with additions by Chris Morrison.

The ch and gh have generally the guttural sound. The sound of the English diphthong oo is commonly spelled ou. The French u, a sound which often occurs in the Scottish language, is marked oo, or ui, and sometimes (as in gude) u only. The a, in genuine Scottish words, except when forming a diphthong, or followed by an e mute after a single consonant, sounds generally like the broad English a in wall. The Scottish diphthongs ae, always, and ea, very often, sound like the French e masculine. The Scottish dipthong ey, sounds like the Latin ei. With regard to words which have more meanings than one, we have, it general, thought it necessary to give only those meanings in which they are employed by the author.


O’, of.
Ony, any.
Ourie, shivering, drooping
Owre, over, too.
Out-owre, over.


Pairtrick, paitrick, a partridge.
Pawky, cunning, sly.
Pease strae, Pease-straw.
Pibrocharian, a player of pi‑
broch, or Highland airs, (a
cant word.)
Piack, a small copper coin formerly current in Scotland, equal to the third of a penny sterling.
Plaid, an outer loose garment of striped and variegated cloth ; plaidie diminutive of plaid, a fondling term.
Planting, a wood.
Poortith, poverty.
Pouther, powder.
Pow, the head.
Pu’, to pull.
Pund, a pound.
Pyat, a magpie.


Quaigh, a small and shallow drinking cup with two ears.
Quat, to quit, to desist.


Rae, a roe.
Rair, to roar, to proclaim.
Rant, to make merry.
Rantin', merry, cheerful, jovial.
Reave, to deprive.
Red-wat-shod, walking in blood over the shoe-tops.
Reestle, a blow, to beat.
Rin, to run.
Risp, to make a harsh sound.
Roguie, diminutive of rogue.
Roose, to praise, to commend.
Rown', round.
Row, to roll, to wrap.
Rankled, wrinkled.
Runt, the stem of colewort cabbage.


Sae, so.
Saft, soft.
Sair, sore.
Sang, a song..
Sape, soap.
Sark, a shirt
Sauce, sauciness.
Saugh, the willow.
Saul, the soul.
Saw, to sow.
Sax, six.
Scart, to scratch.
Scaud, Scaul', a scald ; to scald.
Scauld, to scold.
Screed, to tear; screed aff, to do any thing quickly.
Scrimpit, scanty, deficient.
Scroggie, thorny, briery.
Scutle, to pour from one vessel to another; to cook.
Seg, to essay, to try.
Shantrews, a dance.
Shaw, a small wood in a hollow place.
Shieling, a hut, or shed.
Shortsyne, a short time since, lately.
Shouther, shoulder.
Sic, such.
Siccan, such kind of.
Sich, to sigh.
Sidelins, sidelong. indirectly
Siller, silver, money.
Simmer, summer.
Sough, sugh, a rushing m whistling sound.
Souple, supple.
Souter, a shoemaker.
Southron, an old name for an Englishman.
Sowdie, or powsowdie, sheep's-bead broth;  milk and meal boiled together.
Spankie, moving with quick­ness and elasticity.
Spawl, a limb.
Speat, or spate, a sweeping tor­rent after rain or thaw.
Spiel, to climb.
Spier, to ask, to inquire.
Spunkie, the will o' the wisp, or ignis fatuus.
Sta', did steal.
Stane, a stone.
Starn, a star.
Stey, steep.
Stirk, a bullock or heifer between one and two years old.
Stour, dust, more particularly dust in motion ; battle, hardship, perilous situation.
Strae, straw.
Strand, a gutter.
Streek, to stretch.


Tae, toe.
Ta'en't, taken it.
Taigle, to detain.
Tak', to take.
Tane, the one.
Tap, top.
Tault, told,
Tauted, or tautie, matted ; spoken of hair or wool.
, to thatch.
Thegither, together.
Thir, these.
Thocht, or thought, a moment as respecting time, a small, quantity.
Thole, to suffer, to endure.
Thrawart, froward , perverse.
Thrum, to purr is a cat.
Timmer, timber; to toom the timmer, to empty the (wood­en) drinking cup.
Tine or tyne, to lose; tint, lost.
Tither, the other.
Tocher, a marriage portion.
Toom, empty; to empty.
Tryst, an appointment to meet; to make such an ap­pointment, to engage.
Tuik, took.
Twa, two.
Twal’, twelve.


Unco, very, very great, strange, unknown, unusual.
Upo', upon.
Uppermaist, uppermost.
Usquebae, whisky.


Vera, very.
Vogie, vain


Wa', a wall.
Wad, would ; to bet ; a pledge.
Wulna, would not.
Wae, w (adject.) sorrowful.
Waeful, woful.
Wae's me! waesucks! wo is me! Alas!
Waff, worthless ; to throw into the shade.
Wair, to lay out as expense.
Wallop, a quick motion with much agitation of the clothes, as in dancing; a slap.
Wame, the belly.
Wark, work.
Warld, world.
Warlock, a wizard.
Warsel, to wrestle, to strive.
, worst.
Wat, wet ; I wat, I wot.
Waukrife, wakeful, not apt to sleep.
Waur, worse.
Wean, a child.
Wearifu', causing pain or trou­ble.
Wee, little.
Weel, well.
Weel's me! (weel is me!) hap­py am I.
Weel-hain'd, well-saved.
Weir, war.
Westland, western.
Wha, who.
Whare, where.
Whiles, sometimes.
Whilk, which.Wifie, diminutive of wife.
Wilyart, wild, shy, timid.
Wimple, to meander.
Win', wind.
Winna', will not.
Wizen, (English, weasand) the throat.
Wyse, to wyse awa', to wheedle, to entice.


Ye, a pronoun frequently used for thou.
Year, is used both for singular and plural.
Yeldrin, a yellow-hammer.
Yestreen, yesternight.
Yett, a gate.
Yill, ale.
Yird, earth.
Yocket, yoked.
Yont, beyond.
Yowl, to howl.